Tuesday 17 December 2013

TODAY'S BEAUTY TIP #foundation

Find Your Perfect Foundation Shade!!! It's Free!!! 
Test foundation along your jaw line - not on your hand and definitely not on the inside of your wrist. View it under different light settings(natural light preferably). It must match the natural colour of your neck. 
The colour should match your skin, disappearing when blended well. 
According to Kelvin Aucoin, foundation can also be tested at the temple. #diuksmakeup #foundationtip


  1. Hopefully, girls don't think Kelvin Aucoin meant their place of worship

    1. Lol! Two posts behind titled 'knowing your face', i talked about the parts of our face and there is a diagram attached to d post that clearly shows the "temple". Thanks A lot, that's a big one

  2. I somehow have pimple but it wld take a lot of makeup to hide them.what do I do

    1. There's a lot you can do. Firstly, you should make efforts to get rid of d pimples ...using facial scrub/wash in d morning, applying a thin layer of acne ointment/antibacterial product and letting it dry for 3mins before applying your makeup.This would serve as a base(primer) for ur makeup. U can use concealer(one shade darker than your skin color) on d blemishes before applying ur foundation.

  3. Ok i was beginning to wonder which temple, maybe shaolin or something, but then referring to the older posts, that just cleared my doubts. Ok so I have something to say when my sister and cousins are having a conversation. lool
